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Showing posts from November, 2017

WP Android App using REST and volley

In this tutorial, we are going to create a sample app for WordPress using the rest API for Android. For successful implementation of the rest API for WordPress we need to it in two parts. In the first part, we will learn some basic configuration on the server side and configure the Android project in android using the Android Studio. WP Android App using REST and volley part1 WP Android App using REST and volley part2 LiveData and ViewModel for WP Android App using REST and volley part3 Requirement to create the Android App for WordPress WordPress API is included in core release of the WordPress version 4.7 and above. For older version, you need to install the WordPress plugin API Android Studio 2.X.X or 3.X.X If you are using the WordPress version 4.7 and above you do not require any special configuration for this, you can just test your configuration by sending the sample request to the  http://yoursite/wp-json/  . You will get the output into the JSON format.