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Showing posts from June, 2017

Implementation of SwipeRefreshLayout in RecyclerView

SwipeRefreshLayout is the layout can be used when user want to update the content of the view using swipe to refresh gesture. For example, ListView, GridView, RecyclerView  or any other place where we need to update the content of the view using vertical swipe gesture. Here in the tutorial we will learn how to implement  the SwipeRefreshLayout in RecyclerView. You May Like:- How to Create Video Gallery App Using Recyclerview How to Read and Write JSON data using GSON Create Animated Video thumbnail in android Create Swipe Refresh Layout Demo Project For demonstration of SwipeRefreshLayout we will create a project in which we required following class and XML layout files. activity_main.xml item.xml When you will create the project you will get the and activity_main.xml by default. After that we need to update both as per our requirement to implement the Swipe Refresh Layout in RecyclerView. Add RecycylerView and Swipe...