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Showing posts from June, 2019

ELK Stack and Beats for a centralized monitoring solution

ELK stack stands for Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana, together all these three components do the jobs of the centralized monitoring solution of your infrastructure. In short ELK stack is not just monitoring solution it comes with lots of other features like searching the historical data, visualized your monitoring status, quick findings of the root cause of the problem, machine learning, Graph and many more. It has lots of plugins that make it more interesting and useful for today worlds where we have hundreds of microservices and servers running on the cloud and personal data center. Why ELK Stack? ELK stack has some unique features, that make it different from any other monitoring tools and software, some of them are given below. Most powerful and unique features of ELK stack is that its lightweight The core of the ELK and very fist is the elastic search which provides the unique functionality of the searching of any error and status. A centralized database of all the servers and...