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Showing posts from September, 2019

Dart REST API Server CRUD Application with aqueduct

Dart is the programming language created by Google and its very popular nowadays because it's providing the platform using which we can create a single code base for developing an application for Android, IOS and Web with the help of Flutter SDK. Today in this article we are going to explore how to create a REST API using the dart without Flutter. Here in this part of the article, we will explore two things. Expose Simple REST API using the DART programming language Connect Dart with the Postgress using the Model Create REST API in DART with aqueduct So for creating the rest API using the dart we are going to use the aqueduct package available at . This package provides lots of functionality which help us for creating the REST API server. Let's start the creation of our REST API server. We required some setup before starting the coding. Dart should be installed into your server or local environment We required a Postgres database installed in your dev environment. Act...

Flutter How to Start Android Activity from Flutter View

Flutter and Dart is an excellent combination for creating the UI, but for accessing the platform-specific service we need to open platform-specific activity. So lets in this article we will explore how to start an android activity and access the service from Flutter View. Create a Project for this Android Activity Flutter View Demo Create a Project From File menu select the New Flutter Project Enter the project name Select the AndroidX support and click on next After the above, we step click on Finish We will have the following project structure created. Create the Second Activity in Android Just go to the android folder and open it in separate windows. We will have the following project structure. Create the Activity Just right-click on the Kotlin folder and create a blank activity from the menu. If you create the activity then you may be required to upgrade the Gradle and do some import. So Just click on update and wait for the project s...

Flutter Theme Creation, Programmatic Way

Flutter and Dart is an excellent combination for creating the mobile app with material design with nice GUI. Its lots of widget which help the developer for creating the app UI very fast with respect to the other language. You may face some problem in starting due to comm, curly brace and semicolon but after some time you will find the way how to work with these all stuff and it becomes very easy for you. But in this article, we are not going to discuss all these. In this article, we will handle a very interesting topic on how to create a custom theme or multiple themes and let's user decide which theme to use. Create a flutter project So let's create a flutter project by selecting the appropriate option from the File menu in android studio or Visual Code. If you are new to Flutter and Dart you can check out our recent post to get started Creating Cross-platform app using flutter . Once your project is created you will get the default counter app and you try running the app in ...