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Showing posts from August, 2019

Flutter State Management With Provider and ChangeNotifier

Flutter state management with provider library and why it's so important? There are lots of topics in flutter which are very important but out of those state management of your flutter application is the most important and little bit complicated as well. So in this article, I will try to explain how to use the provider package for managing the state of flutter and dart application and how to access the data down the hierarchy of the widget tree without recreating the whole UI. Basic knowledge of the state management and data flow in the Flutter Before starting the coding I would like to explain some basics about the Flutter application so that you can understand, why it's important to manage the state of your application in the correct way. In Flutter, everything is a widget and whenever the state of your application changes the UI is recreated the UI with the new data. Let's list out the topic or problem that we are going to explore about state management. Challenge o...

Flutter Page Navigation and Send data to Page

Flutter Page Navigation, If you are from the Kotlin or Java and witting the Android app using the Android Studio then you are well aware of the Activity and Fragment. But in the Flutter, there is no activity and fragment. So question is that what is alternative of this and the answer is Page/Widget. So in this article, we will explore how to navigate from one page to other pages, send and receive data to the page step by step. The Home Page of Flutter When we create the project by default we get one page created and it's defined as home. If you are new to Flutter and Dart then please check our earlier article . There is no restriction on the page definition so you can give any page as the home page. class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { // This widget is the root of your application. @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: 'Flutter Navigation Demo', theme: ThemeData( primarySwatch:, ), h...

Flutter and Dart Create Dialog Widget

Flutter and Dart provide us a comman tool for developement of the mobile app for Android and IOS platform.  As mobile app developer we often required to implement the Dialog to so quick action, some alert msg and more to the user. In Simple word Dialogs are used to inform users about a task and can contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks. So in this post we are going to explore the several type of the Dialoag and its implementation in Flutter.  Type of Dialog We have three types of dialog that Flutter and Dart SDK platform provide us. Alert Dialog -- To show some content and action input from the end-user Simple Dialog -- Its have lots customization option to show the dialog About Dialog -- Dialog to show about us with icon and text. Alert Dialog and its implementation in Flutter and Dart First of all, we are going to implement the alert dialog. If you are looking to show the dialog then I am sure you have good knowledge about the dart and...

How to create a circular EditText View in android

You obsrved several app use the Circlular View with rounded corner for taking user input edittext. In this post we are going to explore to create a Circular EditText view for user input. Let's start the creation of the Circular EditText View. Create The Circlular EditText Demo Project Creating the new project is everyday work if you are a mobile app developer, but just adding steps who is new in the android mobile app development. For creating the new project go to the File menu in android studio and click on File -> New-> New Project. In the next windows select the Activity Type I will in this demo will select Empty Activity. Choose the Application name like Circle EditText Demo and Finish. Attach the EditText and Button to layout Now, We need to create an EditText and Button into the main layout located inside the res->layout directory. Circular Image View Project Now, add the EditText and button to the activity_main.xml. In this example, androidx is used so you can migr...