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Showing posts from February, 2017

How to install angular on Linux and Windows

Angular is a framework to build a client-side web application in HTML or javascript and Typescript. So here are steps to install the angular in Linux environment, in this example, I am installing angular on ubuntu distro but same can be used along with other distros as well. Step 1. What is the pre-requesting to install the Angular? Before installation of Angular, you should install the Node.js and Node package Manager ( npm ). So check the installation of Node.js and npm. Use below command check the version of  Node.js, installed version should be at least 4.0.0. $ node - v v7 . 6.0 Use below command to get the version of Node Package Manager (npm) it should be at least 3.0.0 $ npm - v 4.1 . 2 If you are getting node or npm command not found the error,  that means Node.js not installed on your machine. So for installation of Node.js and npm check out our earlier tutorial about how to install Node.js on Linux . For installation of Node.js on windows machine download the Node.js ...

Nodejs and npm installation on linux and Windows

Nodejs is the JavaScript runtime build on   Chrome's open source v8 Java Script engine . The question is that why we should use Nodejs? Of course without knowing the reason of using the Node.js why anyone use, so the answer is very simple Node.js is the event based ecosystem, none blocking Input/Output that makes it lightweight and fast. Node.js ecosystem that is NPM is the world largest collection of open source. What is the npm? Answer of this question it is the package manager for java script. Below is the steps to install the Nodejs and npm installation on Linux Ubntu 16.4. Step 1. Installing the NodeSource Nodejs v7.x repo pawan@pawan:~/Desktop$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -   pawan@pawan:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get install nodejs Step 3. Check the installed version of Node.js pawan@pawan:~/Desktop$ nodejs -v v7.6.0 Step 4.Check installed version of npm pawan@pawan:~/Desktop$ npm -v 4.1.2   Step 5. Create the Node.js HTTP server to test the i...

Top 10 Android Development Resources & Tools

People especially newbie wants to know different tools, training, resources and services available for Android Development. I personally faced this problem and spend lots of time to find each one. As a result, I’ve put together a list of Top recommended Android Development Resource and Tool that I’ve either personally used (in most cases) or which have come highly recommended to me by people I trust. I will add to these lists as I come across new mobile apps development resources and tool that I recommend. Android Development Tool & IDE Android Studio It is complete Android development IDE for Android App Development and it is now official Android development IDE. It supports development using Java, C++, Kotlin with XML and many more plugin is available to support the Android Studio IDE. Eclipse Eclipse is another big player in android development which is well know IDE which supports development in many programming languages. To develop the app for android using eclipse IDE you...

How to convert your java application to kotlin

In our last tutorial about “ Getting started with Kotlin…” we have learned about setting the environment to work with Kotlin in Android Studio. In this Tutorial, we are going to know how to convert java application or java class to Kotlin. We can convert from java to kotlin very easily whether it is a single class or complete application. We can convert it very easily in android studio by just on some click. Step 1. Create your project Project Creation process will be same for both whether you are using Java or Kotlin as explained in our earlier pos File > New > New Project and select the default Main Activity as per your requirement. By default, all activity will be created in java Step 2. Convert your project from Java to Kotlin For converting the Java app into Kotlin application click on the main app folder the click on code menu and then click on convert java file to Kotlin option. You will see a configure option at right top corner of android studio window as given in below...

Create Animated Video thumbnail in android

In this tutorial, we learn how to create animated video thumbnail of any video. At the time of loading, the animation is very useful for making the good user experience. Here, we will use glide for loading the Video Thumbnail into ImageView.  Glide is very easy to use the library for loading any thumbnail or image. Even you don't have to create the thumbnail, download the image from any web URL and anything else. You have to just provide the URI of your video it doesn't matter whether your Image or Video stored locally on your storage or some remote or web location over the internet. You May Like:- Create Image and Video Thumbnail on Android How to create Video Gallery App Using RecyclerView How to Read and Write JSON data using GSON WP Android App Using REST and Volley Step:1 How to add Glide library to your project You can download the Glide library from Github . Alternatively, you can use the build.gradle files to automatically add glide library to your proje...

Getting started with Android Development in Kotlin

Kotlin is the language using which we can use to create the app for mobile application. Kotlin is well supported for Android development and supported with Android Studio. It has several benefits over java. However, some drawback is also because it is just beginning of Android  App development java so we have very less tutorial also. Table of Content   Setting up the environment Setup Project in Kotlin Create Hello World App and test Step1: Setting up the environment for Kotlin in Android Studio First of all, we have to setup the development environment for kotlin. So follow the as below given steps to setup the same. Open Android Studio Click on File Click on Setting and type 'plugin' in search box Click Browse Repository Type Kotlin as given in below in search box Select kotlin and click on Install, it will take some time and install the plugin Click ok and apply Restart Android Studio Well done you have done with environment setting. Step2: S...

Step by Step Guide to create option Menu in Android

Option menu is very important part of any app. If you are creating your app using Android Studio then it will add the option menu by default to your activity. But, if you would like to create the option menu by yourself, to use with any other activity then you have to add it manually by code. Step 1. Create the activity for option menu If you are going to create option menu for one activity then, same menu can be used for others activities as well. So if you want to add the menu to existing activity then its okay, alternatively you can create the new activity as well. Just Right click on the folder of Android Studio and select the new activity. Step 2. Create the resource file for Option Menu Now, you have to check if Menu folder exists inside res folder in android studio. If it is not their then right click on res folder and click on New->Directory and enter the folder name as menu . Further, right Click on menu folder and select new-> Menu Resource File and put the name of you...