Recycler view is one of the latest views that is getting used today in most of the android application. Earlier where Grid View and List View are very popular now programmer are using Recycler View because it has some advantage over the List View and Grid View.
In another word, we can simply say that Recycler View is the more advanced version of the list view more functionality and reliability, where you can have much more control over your view item.
Here is more details about design pattern using recycle view
Advantages of Recycler View over List & Grid View
- ViewHolder Pattern- In List view View Holder pattern can be used but it is not mandatory but in Recycler View it is mandatory. Its increased some programming complexity but solved lots problem of list and grid view.
- LayoutManager- In Recycler View you can easily so the different kind of the layout for different Item. You can show the different layout for header or footer, use of Gird and List layout and many more custom modification you can do with your view Item at the run time.
- Item Animator- Using Item Animator you can animate the view Item very easily.
- Item Decoration- You can decorate the view Item but its little bit complicate.
- OnItemTouchListener- More efficient on item touch Listener but added more complexity and required more developer time.
The major advantage of recycler view is that it populate the view at the run time, hence less memory and you can create the dynamic, more efficient and robust view hierarchy using the Recycler View
Recycler View simplified the way to use where we required and populate lots of view item. We can use the layout Manager for positioning the item. Its provide the default animation for common item operation like removing or adding the view item.
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