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Top 10 Android Development Resources & Tools

People especially newbie wants to know different tools, training, resources and services available for Android Development. I personally faced this problem and spend lots of time to find each one.
As a result, I’ve put together a list of Top recommended Android Development Resource and Tool that I’ve either personally used (in most cases) or which have come highly recommended to me by people I trust.
I will add to these lists as I come across new mobile apps development resources and tool that I recommend.

Android Development Tool & IDE

Android Studio
It is complete Android development IDE for Android App Development and it is now official Android development IDE. It supports development using Java, C++, Kotlin with XML and many more plugin is available to support the Android Studio IDE.

Eclipse is another big player in android development which is well know IDE which supports development in many programming languages. To develop the app for android using eclipse IDE you need to download the ADT plugin in eclipse.

AIDE support android app development in android tablet, It also provides the tutorial to learning, really good for the beginner.

Cordova is the free and open source and has well-supported communities. It supports development using html, CSS and js one of the benefits of using the Cordova is that its support multiple platforms with same source code. Get more here for getting started your app development in Cordova.

Corona is cross-platform application development IDE that means you will create your apps once and distribute to multiple platforms like Android Mobile Phone, Tablet, iPhone, Mac. Get more why use Corona.

Android Development Resource

Below is the list of some most often use android development resource that we required for developing the android mobile or tablet apps.

Android Asset Studio  
Using Android Asset Studio you can generate the many types of the icon for your apps like Menu, Launcher, Navigation Icon many others type of Icon as per your requirement.

Material Icon
From here also you download the various type of Icon for your development. There are not much customization option available but provide the icon for multiple platforms, verity of size and format.

Android Material Color
It is the good place to the material design color code and guidelines to use it.

Android Feature Graphic Generator
Here you can generate the feature graphics which is the most important thing that you're required to showcase your app feature in Google Play Store and it is mandatory as well.

Device Art Generator
It is Google Art Generator where you can generate the custom and good looking screenshots of your application.

[caption id="attachment_208" align="aligncenter" width="175"]Android Development Resource Device Art created By Device Art Generator[/caption]


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